One of the big lies of education system is that it is liberally biased; this may be true to some degree when you look at colleges depending where you look, but not so much when you look at grade schools. In fact, multiple studies have shown that schools not at the university level tend to lean right, and this is especially true in the south. This trend is ever more obvious with the current passing of the new curriculum guide by the Texas board of education.
This current move is one of the most blatant attacks on US history by self identified Christian fundamentalists. Admittedly, some of the proposed changes are relatively minor, like describing the United States as a constitutional republic vs a democracy. These minor changes are a matter of semantics and some even bring a healthy discourse to the classroom. Any benefit that this change may bring to children's education is offset by the more radical changes. This is cause for serious concern, as it leads to a curriculum based on personal politics as opposed to historical facts. Listed below are some of the more heinous attacks.
- Thomas Jefferson will no longer be on a list of enlightened thinkers in the world history curriculum due to his views on the separation of church and state.
- Giving the traitor Jefferson Davis, short lived president of the Confederacy, equal credence to that of Abraham Lincoln
- Requiring that conservative movements like the Moral Majority, NRA, and the Contract with America be shown in a positive light with no liberal counter balance.
- Giving more space to conservative leaders like Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich.
There were also attempts by the board to rename the slave trade the “Atlantic triangular trade” as well as to “honor” President Obama by requiring his full middle name be used, even though this honor would not be bestowed on any other president in the history books. The latter was no doubt and attempt to brainwash the youth of Texas into believing the ever persistent lie that President Obama is a Muslim. The board claimed that these changes were needed to help balance the liberal bias in history books.
It is clear though, that the board is only interested in indoctrinating the children of Texas into believing in a far right agenda, if this were not true they would not be afraid of allowing a liberal counter balance. They remove the writer of the declaration of independence and 3rd president of the United State from importance based solely on the fact that he advocated the separation of church and state. My guess is the section on Newt Gingrich will not include how he was the first speaker in the history of the house to be reprimanded for ethical violations and ordered to pay a $300k penalty. I am sure they will also keep quiet on the fact he had an affair while his wife was undergoing cancer treatment, a testament to his family values no doubt. I could go through and debunk and bring to light each of the points they hope to change, but that would be silly as most people already see this for what it is. Sadly, I fear this is just the first of many moves by both sides that will involve our children. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.
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